Our skin takes care of us, so let's take care of our skin

At ISDIN we love skin and our main mission is to spread that love so that people can improve how they look after their skin, because to love is also to care. And to care, you have to know, which is why one of our key pillars is research: we want to learn more about how our skin works so that we can give you the very best. But knowledge not shared is of no use. That's what makes dissemination so important, especially if no one acts on the knowledge we have, and that's why our projects focus ultimately on reducing the incidence of skin cancer. There is still a long way to go, but we're sure that with your help we'll be able to go even further.

Our project with the NGO Africa Direct View video

Support programme for people with albinism in Africa

We joined forces with the NGO Africa Direct to improve the quality of life of people with albinism in Mozambique. Albinism is a genetic condition that carries a high risk of skin cancer in sub-Saharan Africa. It limits life expectancy to 30 years and is also a cause of discrimination and exclusion. That's why it is so important to give this group of people access to photoprotection and create programmes for their social integration and the fight for human rights. By collaborating with this NGO, we help improve the health of thousands of people through skin care and protection, raising awareness and empowering albinism sufferers.

Education and research programmes

We are convinced that education, research and dissemination are the real driving forces behind change. That's why we have programmes that teach us more about skin health so that we can all understand and share the importance of skin care. Projects we could not carry out without support from our community.

School Photoprotection Programme

We know that children are one of the groups most vulnerable to the effects of solar radiation, but what if we teach them to protect themselves? For 27 years, ISDIN's School Photoprotection Programme has been offering children, families and schools tools to help them understand the importance of photoprotection through education and teaching. An innovative project with contents that are continually updated to ensure both in-person and remote participation.

LIVE YOUNG Chair Programme

In conjunction with the University of Barcelona, ISDIN has created the UB-ISDIN LIVE YOUNG Chair. It is the first chair to focus on studying the exposome and skin-ageing: two closely related and increasingly relevant topics in dermatology that still pose many questions. Together we do research to understand and help reverse the effects and causes of environmental factors on dermatological health.